I agree to read and abide by all manufacturer’s recommendations, warnings, and instructions for use.
I will return Things to the WFP Library Circulation Desk intact, clean, in working order, and complete (including all accessories, parts, manuals, and packaging provided when borrowed).
If any of the Library’s property is lost or damaged, I agree to provide the cost of a repair or replacement.
I am 18 years of age or older.
I waive any and all right to any cause of action against the West Feliciana Parish Library, or any officer, employee or agent thereof, based upon the use of the tool or equipment being loaned or rented by me.
I will return the tool or equipment being loaned or rented by me in as good of condition as it was provided to me, subject to ordinary wear and tear.
The West Feliciana Parish Library does not warrant that the tool or equipment being loaned or rented by me is not defective or dangerous.
I will use the tool or equipment being loaned or rented by me in a safe and prudent manner.
By my signature below I hereby acknowledge and agree to the above and that the information I have provided is accurate.(Required)